At present, the best class D digital power amplifier chips are SC3120, CS8591 and so on. The SC3120 circuit is a high-voltage, high-speed MOSFET gate driver designed for Class D audio power amplifier applications with very large output power. PWM modulation is realized with flexible open topology. The product has the function of bidirectional overcurrent detection and protection. The protection senses overcurrent conditions of both positive and negative load currents without any external sampling resistance, and provides suitable overcurrent protection and programmable reset timing. Chip: An integrated circuit manufactured on the surface of a semiconductor chip is also known as a thin-film integrated circuit. Another type of thick film integrated circuit is a miniaturized circuit composed of independent semiconductor devices and passive components integrated into a substrate or circuit board. But the modern integrated circuit was invented by Jack Kilby in 1958. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000, but Robert Noyce, who also developed the modern practical integrated circuit at the same time, died earlier than 1990.