Personal experience, when the fourth year internship, the New Year thought to buy a bag for the mother. Thousands of choices, took a fancy to a certain MK bag, Sanlitun counter sold more than 3,000, and then on a treasure, and finally do not know why added a, claiming that the original single hand, OEM shipment, only to blame themselves too young, 1000+ bought a fake bag. Look at that bag right now. It's awful.
Original order (99.99% counterfeit on the market) : Due to low-cost labor and other factors, foreign brands will take raw materials, accessories, versions, etc., to the producing country to make, and then take back to sell. Taking into account the loss of the raw material in all aspects of the process of making the finished product, an additional 3% is given when the raw material is supplied, known as "planned scrap material", just in case. After completing the order, the family uses the remaining raw materials to secretly make the same version of the product, which is the original single goods. The only difference between it and the "real thing" is that it is "common" and is scarce. (Excerpt from encyclopedia) There is a total of so much, the workers inside the layers down, long, managers, workshops, and so on the real outflow of single digits, it is possible to let the buyer when the real goods sold. Please do not want to buy the real original single!!
Mouse goods (99.99% of the market is fake) : The characteristic of mice is to steal things, so mouse goods are unknown goods or stolen thief piles. How many bags can you steal? Please do not want to buy mouse goods!!!
QC goods (99.99% of the market for fake or defective goods) : QC is the abbreviation of English QUALITY CONTROL, Chinese "quality control". Generally, some defective bags will be brushed down, the number is very small, since it is QC down, it is defective, there is no need to spend so much money to buy a defective, and it is not necessarily real QC goods.
Copy goods: OEM holding some of the remaining raw materials, some of the self-matching accessories to do fake goods. Some merchants also call these goods for OEM shipments, in short, or fake goods.
Fake goods: Roughly introduced, most of them are small, small workshops, their own molds, due to the gap between their raw materials and the process, so the birth of various versions of fake goods, high and low imitation.
In contrast to these bags, I feel that the most pit is the counter, MK, COACH and so on in the United States is only a second-line light luxury, but the counter started more than 2000, COACH's 1941 series are sold to the price of the first line, the brand premium is too high. Purchasing is also good and bad, but the price of purchasing is relatively reasonable and more in line with the actual brand positioning. The OEM is mainly distributed in and, in the last two years due to the increase in labor costs, has been migrating to Southeast Asian countries. The more famous OEM brands are Burberry, mcm, mk, etc., the more famous Prada, miumiu and so on. This is also where the most fake goods are, where the craft materials first flow out. In short, if you buy a bag from and shipped, there are most problems, which also have a fake top imitation goods, but MK, COACH does not have a good imitation goods.
1. Do not buy the original single goods, mouse goods, QC goods, OEM products.
2. Don't be cheap, most of the normal American purchasing prices are 35%-55% of the counter (except for explosive and special prices), for example, small Savannah4200, purchasing at about 1400 (big purchasing prices will be slightly lower), the more popular mercer small dark green Yang Mi with the same model, 3300, Daigou are generally around 2000, and some sell for 2300. But it's almost out of print now.
3. Please start carefully, consider the price first, the price is basically false, and then consider whether you can buy it, the explosive is out of stock, and the replenishment is very small.
4, whether it is or, if a seller has a lot of money, or a variety of colors and sizes, the goods are very complete, basically false did not run, even if it is a big purchase can not do so complete.