Irritating gases exist in many industrial production processes, such as welding, electroplating, smelting, chemical, petroleum and other industries. Most of these gases are corrosive and can cause acute poisoning when they enter the human body through the respiratory tract. The common feature of the toxic effect of irritating gas on the body is that it has different degrees of irritation to the eyes, respiratory mucosa and skin. Toxic gases can enter the body through the respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin, in industrial production, toxicants mainly enter the body through the respiratory tract and skin, and can also enter the digestive tract, but relatively minor.
Gas mask
The respiratory tract is the most important way for industrial poisons to enter the body. All poisons in the form of gas, vapor, fog, smoke and dust can invade the body through the respiratory tract. Human lungs are composed of hundreds of millions of alveoli, the wall of the alveoli is very thin, there are rich capillary blood on the wall, once the poison enters the lung, it will soon enter the blood circulation through the alveolar wall and be transported to the whole body. The most important factor affecting absorption through the respiratory tract is its concentration in the air, the higher the concentration, the faster the absorption.
Skin in industrial production, poison absorption through the skin caused by poisoning is also relatively common. After absorption by the epidermis, fat-soluble poisons need to be water-soluble in order to further diffuse and absorb, so water and fat-soluble substances (such as aniline) are easily absorbed by the skin.
In industrial production, the absorption of poisons through the digestive tract is mostly due to poor personal hygiene habits, and the poisons contaminated by hands enter the digestive tract with eating, drinking or smoking. Insoluble poisons that enter the respiratory tract are removed and can be ingested through the pharynx and enter the digestive tract.
For different gases, different types of filter boxes and filter tanks should be used together